Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Raga Veenavadini, Drut Teentaal

आज शुभ दिन महुरत मनावो, मंगल गावो रे ||
जनम/ब्याह/धन्य दिन मुबारक बदिया बरसावो (मंगल गावो रे ...) || धृ ||
चीर आयु  समृद्धी पावो ||
सबल मनोबल सिद्धी पावो ||
'नादरंगशुभ दिन महुरत मनावो (मंगल गावो रे ...) ||१|| 
A very happy birthday/Anniversary to you to! Let us celebrate this joyous occasion!
May you live long and prosperMay the force be with you! 'Naadrang' wishes you the best on your day.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

puneri - Simple

puneri - Expressway

puneri - Airlines

puneri - Organization

A quantum leap of faith

For a while now, I have been making a conscious effort to understand this fuzzy concept called Consciousness. Many people have approached it from many angles, and it still remains a mystery. I have an instinct - those that truly understand consciousness also understand that it is indescribable, and hence refrain from making any comment. I am, however, not remotely at that stage, and this leaves me free to theorize wildly and share my opinions.

One concept that holds appeal is that Consciousness is outside of the space time continuum. This gives it unique power over certain physical parameters, like the ability to influence probabilities of the quantum wave function, the ability to navigate time and space and the ability to influence time and space.

As Roger Penrose conjectures in his book "The emperor's new mind", Consciousness has the ability to collapse the quantum wave function, thus influencing reality as we perceive it. This is interesting on several levels.

One, it has close parallels with the Vedanta philosophy as well as the Bhagwat Geeta's teachings, that this universe is "Mithya" or an illusion (also known as "Maya"), and that the truth is outside of this realm.

Two, it has the properties of a simpler abstraction, one level higher than that of the known physics, which as we know, is too complex anyway. Many have quested for decades for the Theory of Everything (TOE) or the Grand Unified Theory, the holy grail of physics. These quests hold similar appeal, as one tries to simplify to the point beyond which there is no more simplification possible.

Three, if indeed conscious thought can collapse the quantum wave function, then we can influence the probabilities of creation, thus giving the thinker control over his universe, literally. This is an empowering concept.

So far, so good. But, if all conscious beings have the ability to change their realities, why is it that all our dreams and wishes do not come true?

Well, maybe we do make every wish come true. Maybe, we just don't realize what we are wishing for!
It has been said that attachment to the outcome can play havoc with the outcome itself. This makes sense to me. Attachment creates fear of failure. And as the great Yoda says, “Fear is the path to the dark side." (This logic is found the Bhagwat Geeta, one of the texts that inspired George Lucas).

Let us say we think consciously "I will achieve X". However, attachment to the outcome X will cause us to be fearful of not achieving X. Now, the conscious thought (fear) is "I will not achieve X", (and of course, we are not attached to not achieving X) and lo and behold, that's exactly what happens. Without fear of failure (and thus without attachment), the statement is never negated, and dreams come true.

This logic also explains the power of a positive thought. It also gives weight to the phrase "fear clouds judgement".

Of course, at some point, one has to believe that there is such a thing as consciousness and that it creates reality. Then again, given that Consciousness is potentially outside of space and time, it is very difficult to describe it with text, which is formed inside of space-time. Kurt Godel got it right. His famous Incompleteness Theorem states that in any formalism, a statement can be constructed that cannot be proven either true or false. This is where the "leap of faith" comes in.

Faith, or belief is a strong conscious thought, and this, it seems, may influence reality.

Thus, Reality may be nothing more than a Placebo Effect! 

* Poof *.