Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Madhukauns, Trivat, Drut Ektaal

आज पवन करत शोर ॥
थिरथिरत थरथर करत ॥
तनूम तनूम तनूम,
धिर धिर धिर,
चहुँ ओर ॥ धृ ॥ 
कुंज कुंज गुँजे बेनु ॥
डार डार निरत करत ॥
द्वार द्वार धिरकत अत ॥
मंदिर घंटिका बाजे ॥
पुरवाई करत जोर ॥१ ॥ 
घन बन गज कमल हंस,
मिल खेलत खग पतंग ॥
चंदन मंद सुगंधन ॥
नाद संग रंगी यादे,
लाये साहिल झकोर ॥ २ ॥

This is a "Trivat (त्रिवट)". Trivat is a composition that is formed using Lyrics, Tarana bol and  Pakhawaj bol.

This trivat embodies the 'Vayu' or Wind/Air element with descriptions of sounds, sights, smells and memories of a windy day.

All around me, I hear the wind howling, creaking, whooshing, whispering, trembling and crackling. 
The orchards whistle like a flute. Flower laden branches perform a ballet in the breeze. Doors drum rhythmically and the temple bells chime melodiously as the east wind shows its strength. 
The clouds masquerade as elephants, giant lotuses and swans in the sky. The gliding birds and the soaring kites play a spirited game of catch. A cool gust brings a delicate scent of sandalwood and musical sounds, tickling the senses, ushering a colorful rush of nostalgia!