Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Yaman Tarana, Drut Ektaal


दीम तननन तारे दानी

ओदेतन नननन  देरेना

(तारे दानी) x ३ ||

दीम तनन तारे दानी 

ओदेतन नननन देरेना

(तारे दानी) x ३ ||

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The 'Fortress of Solitude' Song

अब देखो ना, बोलो ना, चलो हटो!

निकट न आवो, पीछा ना करो अब,

अकेले मोको, जीने दो || 

निलज छलिये रुक! अब और नहीं!

पथ ना रोको, 

      सुख ना टोको,

            अकेले मोको,  जीने दो || 

Explanation & Context

We all need a 'fortress of solitude' now and then. 

It might be a break after an argument, a refuge for introverts overwhelmed by social noise, or a shield against greedy corporations and scammers trying to exploit you.

Don’t watch, don't speak, back off!
Leave me alone, don’t follow.
Let me live my life, and be me.

Shameless charlatan - stop! Never again.
Stay out of my way,
Don’t spoil my day,
Let me live my life, and be me.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tarana in Raga Bageshree (Teentaal)


तन देरेना देरेना तदीम तदीम 

ओदे तन देरना,  ओदानी तनन  (दीम)

तदारे दानी,  ओदानी दीम   || 

देरना तदीम दीम, ताs रेs ताs रेदानी 

( तदारे दानी) x ३ ओदानी दीम   ||

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Aaja Mandirwa - Raga Husseini Kanada, Vilambit Ektaal

आजा मंदिरवा मोरे, पिहरवा अब
बिन तोरे कैसे मैं सुख पाउँ ॥ध्रु॥
देख देख के तोरी, सुंदर सूरत ॥
नादरंग गाये इस मंगल महूरत (पिहरवा अब) ॥१॥

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Raga Vachaspati - Unspoken, Vilambit Ektaal


कैसे मन सुख पावे?

कैसे कहूँ बतिया, डर लगे जिया को,

अब रोके ना जाए!


कोई ना जाने दुःख हमारा,

छिप गयी मन की बतिया,

'नादरंग' अब कहा ना जाए! 


How will I ever find joy?

Fear shackles my true feelings,

that threaten to burst forth, awoken.


No one knows of my pain within,

of bottled emotions and thoughts,

that shall forever remain unspoken!








Friday, January 5, 2024

The Silence Song - Na Bolu Na Bolu, Raga Vachaspati, Teentaal

ना बोलूँ, ना बोले वो

ना कहुँ, ना सुने वो

छिप जाए अज्ञान |


ना मैं सोचूँ, ना समझे वो

ना मैं चाहूँ, ना माँगें वो  

'नादरंग' मिट जाए गुमान | 

'Maun' or 'true silence' is when body, mind and spirit withdraw into silence. First, spoken words stop, then mental words and sentences abate. With more practice, thoughts slow down, and then finally, the desire to speak fades away.
This song was inspired by the brilliant talk (in Marathi) on 'Maun' by Mrs. Dhanashree Lele. Interestingly, the song's melody just happened to be composed in Raga Vachaspati. Vachaspati is the God of Speech!


(Here, the I is the self/ego and They can be other people or the subconscious mind)

If I don't speak, they too go silent.

If I have nothing to say, they have nothing to listen to (and interpret).

Thus silence is the best way to hide your ignorance. 


If thought stops, no meaning can come from it.

And once desire stops, temptation abates.

'Naadrang' believes that such a (true) silence leads to ego-death.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Itanisi binati sunalo - Raga Jogeshwari, Drut Teentaal


इतनी सी बिनती सुनलो मोरी
इस चांदनी रात में
ले हाँथो में हाँथ, सपने सजाये |

सुख दुःख में डोर बंधी हो
हार जीत में मन अचल हो
'नादरंग' प्रीत गहरावे |



Listen to my tiny request - 

In this beautiful moonlight night, 

let's walk hand in hand, dreaming of our future together.

Let our bond be strong through good and bad,

Let our mind be calm through thick and thin,

'Naadrang' hopes that our love deepens.