This is my first Marathi Hindustani Classical 'Bandish'. The word Vaat (वाट) has multiple meanings and all of them are used in this song. The melody is in Raga Pratiksha (Pratiksha means 'the wait') as well.
वाट बघुनी वाट लागली
वाटे वरती वर्षं त्यागली
त्रास भेटती साठ!
वाट साधकास वाटे समर्पण,
शिकावी स्थैर्य, स्वीकृती, संयम
वाट दाखवी वाट!
The wait is driving me crazy!
I've sacrificed years in waiting,
encountering many an obstacle.
In waiting, the seeker finds selfless devotion,
embracing stability, acceptance, and discipline.
The wait shall reveal the way!
There are so many waits in life, from the mundane, to intense, to profound.
Waiting in traffic, in line, for a flight, for dinner, for a video to load, for a package, for the rain to stop (or start),
Waiting for test results, a job or promotion, for hammering to stop in the flat above yours, for your broken leg to heal, waiting for a loved one, waiting to be rescued from the International Space Station,
Waiting for your soulmate, waiting for your child to be born, for them to grow up, to heal from loss of a loved one, to find your purpose in life, for spiritual guidance and growth,
to ultimately, enlightenment!
Each wait can be a friend, a teacher, a guru.
Embrace the wait!