Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cramps, Uscles, Ermas and the Theory of Everything

I was lying in bed, sleep deprived and fatigued.
And then it struck me. A cramp.
And then it struck me. A brilliant insight into the theory of everything.
To cut to the chase, String theory is hokum.
I propose a replacement - Uscle theory (Or simply, U-Theory).

Matter is simply the manifestation of a Cramp on a Muscle. Muscles are tiny fibers that are present everywhere. We'll call them Uscles (for extra coolness).

There are infinite parallel universes. Each universe lies on a Derma, alternatively known as Erma (for ultra coolness).

The Big Bang can be elegantly explained as two Ermas colliding. A large transfer of energy takes place and one of the Ermas expands seemingly forever, as a balloon. As the balloon expands, matter is formed within it. This takes a very long time (about 10^5 times as much as it took for the transfer of energy to occur).

This is what is known as the "birth place of stars". It contains ample quantities of water and other complex organic compounds capable of sustaining life. As this matter grows within the balloon, a star is born. There are 3.6 * 10^5  "stars" being born every day! Of course, some of these will become White Dwarfs, Red Giants or even Brown Dwarfs. Few of them will attract another star and form a partnership with it, tightly orbiting, in what is known as a Binary star system.

The theory is simple, elegant and intuitive, and 11 orders of magnitude cooler than "String Theory". And, as if that weren't sufficient, the mathematics is breathtakingly beautiful and therefore must be right.



  2. Id like to read what Dr.Sheldon Cooper has to say on this
