Sunday, December 25, 2022

Vertigo Attack - Ghoom Ghoom Ghoom Jag Ghoome


 घूम घूम घूम जग घूमे 

न घटे, न मिठे, न छूटे,

कौन हूँ मैं ? क्यूँ हूँ मैं!? ||

नैन खोल, बिंदु साधे 

संतुलन पावे, संकट जावे

लौट आया हूँ मैं! ||

(Raga Shuddha Sarang, Teentaal)


On Christmas day, 2022, I experienced my very first, very severe, vertigo attack. I woke up with the world spinning around me. I broke into a cold sweat, mouth dry, breathing hard. 

I am truly indebted to Dr. Vinaya Chitale-Chakradeo for opening up her hospital for me on a holiday and performing the Epley maneuver. I'd walked in wobbly, palpitating and panicking, and in a few minutes, I felt calm and normal!

Her advice to me was to keep my eyes open and fix my gaze on a steady point. I thought the vertigo experience and her advice were a great metaphor for life itself. When things are chaotic and you feel the world is spinning around you, helpless to stop it, focus on something steady - a loving partner, your child, a hobby, a God, etc and balance will return to your world.

Interpretation of the song: 

The world spins, spins, spins - ceaseless.

It doesn't abate, it won't stop, I feel helpless.

Who  am I? Why am I!?

I open my eyes, I fix my gaze.

Balance returns slowly -  I breathe again.

I'm me again! I ... am back!

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