Thursday, February 16, 2006

Confusion times ten (Or, go ten-three-fifty yourself, I dont give a ten-three-twenty-one)

I was riding the Microsoft Shuttle recently when I heard the dispatcher crackle on the radio “Matt, what’s your ten-twenty? I have a ten-sixteen for you at building #33”!

I had heard stuff like this on Cop shows, but this was my first live encounter of the tenth kind! I questioned the driver about common codes and their meanings and this got me thinking.

How would two dispatchers, who meet at a convention, talk to each other?

Here is a possible dialogue between Andrew (A) and Barbara(B):
A: Barbara … uh … Ten-forty four (I have a message for you …)
B: Can you Ten-five (relay message) that Andrew?
A: I .. uh … kinda … sorta …. you know, uh .. like .. you ……
B: I’m sorry … that was a ten-one (receiving poorly). Could you Ten-nine (repeat) that?
A: I, um, kinda like you Barbara …
B: Wow! That’s a ten-four (Message received). Ten-twenty-three (stand by) …Let me get this straight ... So…, you are saying, that you like me?
A: That’s a ten-four! In fact, I would like to ten-sixteen (make a pickup) at your place at, say, 8 ‘o clock tomorrow night?
B (smiling): I would like that …
A: What’s your ten-twenty (location) ?
B: Ten-eighty five (my address) is 1073 Bumpy Road, Quaint City.
A: What if I need to ten-twenty one (call by telephone) you?
B: My ten-eighty four (telephone number) is 555-7575
A: Oh, keep this ten-thirty five (confidential) especially from that gossip, Carol!
B: I will ensure a ten-sixty-seven (all units comply)
A (relieved): Whew! Thanks!
B: Its late, I’m going ten-seven (out of service, leaving air) You’ll ten-twenty one (give me a call) ?
A: Of course! See you tomorrow …
B leaves.
A (to himself) that was a ten-ninety nine (mission completed, all units secure)! I’m so excited, I must ten-one hundred (go the bathroom!)
A leaves too.
Actually, ten-twenty six all of that (cancel/ignore last message)!

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