Monday, July 4, 2022

Non-duality Song, Raga Parameshwari, Drut Ektaal


जगत देखत मगन मन 

मन को देखत आत्मन 

'नादरंग' दोनों भिन्न || 

अनेक चंचल मन 

एक अचल आत्मन 

निरंतर सच्चिदानंद || 



The mind sees the world.

The Self sees the mind.

Seer and seen are distinct, so must the Self be distinct from the mind.

There are many, ever evolving minds.

There's but one, unchanging, eternal Self,

the nature of which is 'existence - consciousness - bliss'.


  1. This”Bandish”gives us some thoughts because sandeep is a creator!
